الأحد، 16 يونيو 2013

How to back up your contacts

How to back up your contacts with your Android phone

Normally there isn’t a major need to back up your contacts as long as they are synced with Gmail, but hey a backup of anything can’t be a bad thing. You never know what could happen down the line and if something does happen, taking a few minutes now might avoid any heartaches. Moon19th from our forums put together a really good post showing you how to do this. He details a simple export and utilizing another application called Moborobo.

As to Gmail syncing, I can’t believe how many phones I’ve seen from friends that aren’t even set to sync with Gmail. This mostly happens to people that are just getting a smartphone for the first time and the store moved their contacts over, but never went over how Gmail works. Verizon is notorious for this as they often set the contacts to only be backed up with their own Backup Assistant. So if you have any questions on if your contacts are being synced with Gmail, then Moon19th also shows you how to set that up.

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