الأحد، 16 يونيو 2013

How to receive MMS

How to automatically receive MMS picture messages

MMS_Download_TextIf you’re like me, then you probably love to text on your Android smartphone, but may have one major complaint when it comes to texting on our Android smartphones: receiving those coveted picture messages. Sure you may get the MMS notification, but when you try and check for the message, you are likely stuck with either having to physically force the picture message to download or worse— forcing the download only to not see the photo appear. Well cry no more friends as we will be giving you a simple and brief guide on how to relieve yourself of the pesky inconsistency when it comes to receiving those coveted attachments within an MMS message. Oh and believe us— you’ll be glad you did once you hit the break.



  • Stock Messaging app or third-party alternative (such as Handcent or GoSMS)

  • A minute or so of your time


Enabling the MMS messages

  • Open the messaging client of your choice

  • Enter the Settings option (Stock Messaging/GoSMS apps: Menu –> Settings | Handcent: Menus –> Settings –> Retrieve Message Settings |

  • Simply check the Auto retrieve button


Stock messaging app





Now once completed, your phone should automatically retrieve the MMS content as soon as you receive the new message notification, so you should be good to go moving forward and

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